San Antonio Odor Removal
Dead Animal Removal, Stinky Furniture Cleaning, Stinky Carpet Cleaning
“What’s that smell?”
When a rat, raccoon, squirrel, skunk, bird, or pet iguana gets in your attic, a wall, or crawlspace and doesn’t make it back out, it stinks. For weeks. The phrase “I smell a rat” is one we have all heard.
To remove the odor, we find the source, remove the remains, and then remove any saturated insulation or building materials. We then spray or fog the area with special chemicals that removes the odor and kills bacteria.
Sometimes the critter is in your duct work, and we can extract it from there too. We provide duct cleaning and repair, and are experts in solving problems in vents and ducts.
Other smelly stinky things include carpets, appliances, drapes (eg. from heavy smokers), home furnishings. All can be cleaned and sanitized to remove foul odors.
Call us to schedule odor removal in San Antonio.

A photo will ruin your lunch, so here is one of our service vans.